Saturday, July 14, 2018

Here's a Quick Way to Organize a Day | Step by Step Guide for Setting Daily Goals

Achieving a massive success and getting everything you want is not an easy task. Being a billionaire takes a lot of hard work and dedication. All the billionaires take constant efforts to master in a particular task. Common man also does hard work and busy in his life, then, what makes a billionaire separate from others? The answer is simple, they are always busy in achieving their goals however a common man is busy but not in achieving his goals. He is busy with social media, giving excuses and doing the task that is comparatively less important.
How to shift our focus from doing the less important task and wasting our energy to doing our most important? The secret to becoming a billionaire is the habit of dividing your life goes into a small achievable goal and taking actions daily which will definitely lead you to your dream life, full of health, wealth and satisfaction.
To achieve this you have to form a habit of setting daily goals here is your step by step guide to of how to set daily goals.
  • How to set daily goals?
First, ask yourself what is your life goal? Or, what you want to achieve in the next 5 years? Identify the path and milestone you need to achieve. Once, you are done with this then focus on daily goals.
Now think what you must do today to achieve your final goal? Make a list of all the tasks you need to do today. Some of them will help you to achieve your life goals. Some will be an essential day to day activities like paying electricity bills, purchasing clothes, etc.

  • Prioritize the tasks.
Prioritizing all the tasks is important. As per Pareto's principle commonly known as 80/20 rule, 20% of activities will account for 80% of your results. So, to get a maximum outcome, first, we have to focus on those 20% activities.
To prioritize the stars ask yourself, “If I have time to complete only one task out of these, which task I need to complete?” This will be your highest priority task and rank it No. 1 and similarly, give rank to all other activities based on priority.
  • Being specific.
While writing your daily goals, you have to be specific. Don't write a vague statement. For example, if your task is reading a book then you should write ‘Read 10 pages of XYZ book.’ This will help you to verify whether your daily target is achieved or not.
  • Identify substeps.
Once you are done with your list, now, it's time to identify the sub-steps to complete this task. Find out what are the different ways of completing this task? This will help you to get a clear pathway to work on it. You may identify any possible obstacle in your way and can find the solution well in advance.
  • Benefits of writing your daily goals.
Writing down all these is most important for you to get the results you want. All successful people plan their day in the same way. Writing your goals will give you clarity of what you want to do exactly it avoids confusion and all losses related to this.

It helps you in making the decision about what is important for you in your life. It will not let you focus on the most important things in your life so that; you can stick to your goal. It also motivates you for taking actions to achieve your goal this is a key factor for your success.
  • When to set these daily goals?

You can write these daily goals in the morning, first after taking bath or at night before going to sleep. I will recommend you to write it in the morning, plan your day and start working accordingly. For some of you, it may not be possible to do it in the morning, then, for all those planning at night is the best option.
  • The checklist.
At the end of the day, before you go to sleep or if you are planning your next day at night then before planning for the next day, you have to prepare a checklist. Simply tick-mark all tasks which are complete. If you can't complete all the tasks, then, think what went wrong and what you can do to get better results tomorrow. this will help you to track your day in a better way. You will learn from your mistakes.

A small advice for you which will help you in getting best result is, think about any task you are doing and ask yourself “Will it create the daily outcome that you are looking to create?” If the answer is ‘YES’ then continue and the answer is ‘NO’ then it's time to focus on another task.

So, everyday plan your day in advance. Write down the entire task you need to do. Prioritize them and start working immediately on your highest priority task. Identify sub-steps.

Comment below and let me know your views about this article. What makes you stay focused on your task? And any technique you are using to plan your day.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Step By Step Guide To Master Any Habit

Success achieved in your life is purely based on your daily habits, may be good or bad. Good habits will lead you to the success, however, all bad habit will become an obstacle in your path. So, to achieve success in your field we have to simply copy the habits of those who are on the top. However, most of the time we tried to form a new good habit mostly a New Year resolution, but after few days we simply gave up doing. Right!

Most of you may have tried to follow a Healthy lifestyle by deciding to go to the gym but can't stick to the plan or tried to read books every day but ends of giving an excuse of not having enough time.

So, what is that one thing which we are missing? Why some of our friends manage successfully to form a good habit? Here is your answer; follow these steps one by one and you will easily learn to master any habit.

1. Decide a specific habit

Deciding your habit is an important step. To decide it first you can think about what is your life goal? To achieve this goal, which habit you need to form? List down all those habits. Now among all these, you have to select the only one which is most important to form right now.

I will suggest you focus on only one habit at a time. If you select more than one habit then it will become difficult to follow the schedule continuously as you may lose your motivation. According to James Clear, willpower is like a muscle it gets fatigues as you use it throughout the day. So, Follow the formula, one habit at a time. Once you decide that habit for you go to the next step.

2. Commit yourself for next 90 days

 We are interested in forming a good habit for the rest of our life. But, how many days it requires to form a new habit? There is a common belief that it will take 21 days to form a habit, however, according to recent research results the duration may vary from person to person and habit to habit. It also depends on the reason why you want to form this habit? If a doctor warns you that you may die the earlier if you don't work out and follow a Healthy lifestyle or your colleagues or friends make fun of you in that case it takes less time period to form a habit.

According to research, the duration varies from 20 days to 265 days. Some say it requires 66 days on an average; so, I will recommend you to commit yourself to follow the schedule for the next 90 days or 3 months.

During this 3 months period, you should not give any excuse not to follow your schedule. Whether you like it or not or how hard it may feel, you will do it anyhow.

3. Take baby steps

The most common mistake we do is we expect too much from ourselves in the beginning. During the initial stage, we have to focus purely on forming a new habit only. Do not try to achieve something extraordinary.

For example, if you decide to form a habit of a meditation, then, in the beginning, do it only for 2 minutes per day or if you want to form a habit of reading then decide to read only one page per day. The idea is simple; keep it so easy that you don't need the motivation to do it. This will help you to put all your energy on building a habit.

Over the time your willpower and energy will go on increasing then you can increase the time period slowly but, I recommend you to follow your plan for the first 30 days.

4. Anchor your new habit into your daily schedule.

According to Judson Brewer, the habit-forming process can be explained in simple words as ‘Trigger-Behavior-Reward’. Till now we know what to be done for how many days and what will be the duration, now we will focus on triggering. We have to develop a trigger for our habit so that when we will complete our daily tasks, every time our trigger gets activated.

For example, when you feel hungry you will eat something, here hunger acts as a trigger or while riding a bike, if you see an obstacle in your path you will apply brake so, that obstacle is your trigger and over the time you have formed a habit of applying a break.

Similarly, you have to identify a trigger for your new habit. This trigger will be your existing habit so that, as you complete this task you will get an automatic reminder to go for our new habit.

For example, if you want to form a habit of meditation you can anchor it with bathing so, as soon as you take shower your mind will remind you to meditate are you can anchor a habit of exercise to brushing. As soon as you brush your teeth your mind will remind you to start exercise. During the 90 days period, we have to follow this so that it will become so automatic that after 90 days you will start feeling uncomfortable.

5. Overcoming obstacles

Sometimes it is possible that you can't stick to your plan due to some reason. We have to identify all these obstacles may come your way and prepare a plan to overcome them. We should try our best to follow a schedule but due to any reason if we can't follow, use this alternative solution.

Always remember, top performers may commit mistakes and get off track, however, what makes them different is they quickly get back on track as soon as possible.

6. Let others know about your goal.

Tell everybody that you are going to form this new habit over the coming 3 months. As soon as you socialize your goal your mind will not allow you not to follow the schedule, as everyone is watching you whether you have that willpower to continue it or not. This fear will help you to be on track.

Some of them will motivate you to follow your schedule. Some will help you just like, if your goal is to wake up early in the morning and your mom or spouse already have that habit of waking early in the morning, simply tell them about your goal then they will wake you up if you miss some day and help you to be on track.

7. Create positive affirmation.

Affirmations have the amazing power of creating a future as we desire. Always remember, What You Think Is What You Become so, we have to think positive and in line with our dreams. A simple way to think positive and creating our future is with the help of affirmations.

For example, if your target is to form a habit of doing exercise then create affirmation as ‘I like to do exercise everyday’ or for reading ‘I love reading every day’. Now repeat this affirmations number of times in a day so that it will reach to your subconscious mind and update the programming of your inner soul. Once you achieve this then you don't need to put any efforts in forming a new habit.

8. Use of visualization technique.

A supplementary tool used for reprogramming the subconscious mind is visualizing yourself doing the things which you want. Suppose you want to form a habit of writing, then before going to bed, you should visualize yourself sitting on your table writing a book. Same as affirmations, you have to repeat this as many times as possible.

9. Reward yourself after achieving a milestone.

Our mind loves receiving rewards. Our brain is programmed such that if you get rewards for something then it likes to continue it with more energy.
When your boss appreciates your efforts or you get an appraisal for the hard work you put, then your mind will force you to continue the same.

So, decide what you like the most and if you achieve certain milestones then just celebrate this victory. Make sure that this reward should not break your continuity.

Repeat these steps. Once you master any habit and when you feel you have successfully formed a habit then go for the next one.

So, what are you waiting for? Pick a pen and paper and start planning for your new habit. Comment below your views or any problem in forming a habit and how you overcome it. Share this with your friends, always remember To Get More You Have To Give More.

I will recommend you to form few common habits of ultra-successful people. These will always help you irrespective of your field.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Master These HABITS and you will achieve EVERYTHING you want

Hello all, are you interested in achieving massive success in your life? Do you want to be one of the wealthiest people in the world? Or, want to live a life to the fullest. Ever wonder how some people achieve almost everything in their life, just like they have a lamp of Aladdin to fulfill all their wishes. I personally met some of these overly wealthy and successful people to know what they do to have an upper hand in every situation. Trust me guys, I got almost the same advice from all of them. By following these pieces of advice I got the same results what I want.
So, in answer to your question is simple and is YOUR DAILY HABITS. Yes, that’s right; you can achieve anything just by changing your daily habits. But, which habits will help you to achieve your goals? Here is your answer.

1.      Wake up at 4 A.M.

All successful people wake up between 4a.m. - 5a.m. The average time of waking up for an ordinary person is 8a.m. So, all these successful people get 4 hours more than ordinary people. These 4 hours makes a huge difference. Come on guys, its simple logic, more the time, more the output you get. During these 4 hours of the morning, your brain works more efficiently and it is more creative. It is good to spend more time in the morning than at night. Science has already proved that waking up early in the morning is very beneficial for our body.
Don’t try directly to wake up at 4 a.m., instead, try to wake up early by just half hour than your regular time and slowly you will achieve your target in 6-8 months.

2.      Regular Exercise

In order to achieve greatness, you need lots of energy. So, it is more important to stay fit. You need to spend some time with your health also because “A healthy mind lives in a healthy body”. Please understand, you don’t have to go to the Gym for this. YOGA will help you to achieve this. I strongly recommend you to do SURYA-NAMASKAR and MEDITATION. Surya Namaskar is highly beneficial to human body and it gives exercise to almost every muscle of our body. You can easily learn with the help of YouTube videos. Second is meditation and world knows how effective it is. Thanks to Hindu philosophy.

3.      Reading Books

Now it’s time to focus on the main part, 'The Brain'. Taking care of Brain health is more important. You take care of your body by exercise and eating a healthy food. Similarly, you need to feed good thoughts to your brain. Research has proven the best way of increasing brain power is reading. The brain is a complex structure of neurons which is building-block of the brain. More neurons mean more the brain power. Reading books helps in creating new neurons. So go and buy good books.

4.      Setting daily goals

This is a very important step and most of the people lag here. You need to set daily goals to achieve your final life goal. You have to set daily goals for tomorrow just before sleeping and very important, WRITE it in your diary. So that, you will have a proper guideline of what you need to do today to achieve your goal step by step. Now, rank your daily goals based on priority and finish them in the same sequence. At the end of the day, you need to check your list and tick mark all the completed tasks and repeat the procedure.
WRITING your goals is a very important step which will help you to stay focus on what is important in order to achieve your goal.

5.      Positive self-talk

All Spiritual leaders, all billionaires, all those who are on the top of any field, strongly believe that positive self-talk is the key to success. But what it means?
It means, saying positive words or affirmations about you, REPEATEDLY. Motivate yourself continuously to do it better and better. You have to become a cheerleader for yourself.

For example, every day, you need to say to yourself that, “I am a hardworking guy”. And most important, it doesn’t matter whether it is true or not. By repeating these words again and again you will really become the one. This is like; just by thinking you can change yourself as you want. But be careful, as it has a power of changing yourself, you need to focus on your thoughts because a wrong thought will lead you to an unwanted destination.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start and get ready to achieve what you want.